I have been shooting alot, but they're all things that require alot of processing, so not many examples yet. I should have something more in the next few days.
The places I have been shooting, I am using 100% available light, so I am prisoner to all of the normal things that go with it. Also, being public places many of them, it is hard to find a time where the light is right and the people are scarce. Seems everytime I have a perfect shot, someone parks in the middle of it, or a function gets out or something absolutely ridiculous happens, and by the time it clears up, my lighting is kaput. Oh well, the dangers of reality I suppose.
Anyway, My second paper is up, and more images will be up in the next few days.
Hey Jarrod, these look great,know what you mean about trying to find places without people, i have the same problem and the same issues with light...love these simple compositions...