I've been reading alot, and working on some of the ideas that have come up. Thinking about the deadpan aesthetic in my work lately, and wondering if that's a direction I want to go in.
I've also been spending more time processing my images, and trying to enhance some of the emotive qualities even a little bit more. While finishing up my residency summary, even more ideas occurred to me, and I really want to start venturing out into the community more.
Earlier today I was walking through a parking lot while running errands, and kicked a syringe that was on the ground. I've been going through the city without my camera to get a feel for where some things that I want to be shooting are, and trying to frame what I want to shoot before I even really start to shoot it. I don't know why, but this has been helping me slow down and be a little more deliberate about the work I want to create.
All the while I have also been documenting my backyard, and the conditions therin. I think everyone is on vacation, because there hasn't been much change or activity in the last week or so.
Also, first paper of the semester is up. Link to the right.